Marksman Dashboard Interface
View all newly deployed contracts, confirm your targets.
Last updated
View all newly deployed contracts, confirm your targets.
Last updated
The Marksman dashboard displays all important information any active trader or sniper needs before deciding on their next target. Contract metrics, buy and sell tax. social links, scam percentages, and our featured Marksman Score can be viewed before a token has even launched. Once acquiring your next target you can easily track it within our tracked token dashboard.
The whole platform is automated, and checks the provided information against a multitude of sources to ensure the utmost accuracy. The platform comes in two views, list and grid, and works smoothly on all mobile devices.
The header bar consists of 3 buttons and the search bar.
Click the gear icon to access your user settings. Currently you are able to change your view between list and table, each offering different benefits. You can filter between live and unlaunched tokens. There will be a multitude of filters being added in an upcoming patch. Lastly ( for now ) , you can set how many archive listings you want to see.
You can search for any tokens from the live feed or in our archive by NAME, SYMBOL, or CONTRACT ADDRESS.
The live feed displays all token metric details as well as additional pieces of information which will help you decide your next target. Token metrics include:
Token Symbol and Name
Contract Address ( click to copy address )
Max Tx % ( Max Transaction amount - how much of the total supply can be traded or transferred in a single transaction )
Max Wallet % - The maximum amount of tokens a single wallet can hold
Buy and Sell tax - Starting buy and sell taxes of each token
The Marksman score is a unique feature that is only found on Marksman. This is a formula that measures a contracts hype before it is even released.. Some variables that go into the formula are token metrics and security, measurement of a tokens hype, as well as certain large telegram channels and twitter accounts searching for mentions of the token. These factors along with many others go into the formula and give you the number displayed. It is very hard to miss any hyped launch using this feature. For more info on Marksman score please click the link below:
Approvals - shows the amount of people who have approved the contract for trade. If the contract is not launched, this usually is a count of snipers using the Banana Gun sniper.
Clicking the box in the "Track" column will add the token to your Tracked tokens dashboard. Keep track of all your targets with one simple click!
Clicking the + icon in the "More" column will open the token details card, in which you will find all available information on the specified token.
Links - Links to the most used websites for traders as well as socials for the token if available. Links include:
Even though there are contracts with higher scam % , it does not mean that a specific token will turn out to be a scam. Take a popular contract such as Safemoon for example. There have been thousands of forks of this contract, and many of them have rugged. However many of them have mooned as well. Another scenario is if a token has a lower scam % , but has very little forks. Example would be , a token with 3 forks, with a 33% scam rate. This is most likely a scam as any legitimate team will not fork a contract with such low checksums other than the team that had already rugged.
Any tokens that get pushed out of the top 50 live feed will be listed and stored in the archive. You can search through these tokens at any time. These tokens are on a slower update loop and if it reaches too long of a point they will no longer be updated.
The live feed in Grid view offers all the same data as table view, plus a few pieces of extra information we were able to squeeze in due to the extra space!
The additional pieces of information available on Grid view are as follows:
We simulate buys and sells for the first 10 blocks of a token launch and display the different tax metrics as well as if there are any dead blocks or not. This is an important tool for any experiences sniper as it allows you to target exactly which block you want to get in, giving you more control of the taxes you will end up having to pay.
We display the deployer wallet which is a clickable link so you can examine any activity it may have had in the past.
Scam % - We do a scan to check to see how many checksum matches a contract has. What that means is how many times has that contract been forked. From all the forks detected, we display the % of them that have turned out to be a scam. Color coded, green is usually safer options, however this is not failproof on determining if a token is a scam or not. A more detailed breakdown of the checksum numbers are displayed in the More Information section. Hovering over the scam % input will show you the full detail breakdown of the checksums.